Why you should worry if you don’t have a comprehensive car insurance policy

Here’s a vlog that explains why you should worry if you don’t have a comprehensive policy while buying third-party insurance for the car. Share it with your friends, family, customers and colleagues to create awareness. S ign up for TurtlemintPro at www.mintpro.in and start selling insurance today! Download TurtlemintPro App now and grow your sales: […]


IRDA will stop fixing 3rd party insurance premium from 2021

In India, the Motor Vehicles Act passed in 1988 lays down the road traffic rules. One such rule which has been prescribed by the Act is the requirement of a valid insurance cover on all vehicles.   As per the provisions of the rule, every vehicle, which runs on Indian roads, should have a valid[…..]

term insurance

QnA Thursday (Motor Insurance)

Welcome to the Episode: 22 of QnA Thursday. आज का सवाल है – मैं Ranchi में नयीं गाड़ी ले रहा हूँ पर मैं जानना चाहता हूँ की अचानक से motor insurance premium इतने बढ़ क्यू गये है? अगर अपके भी कोई Question हो, तो आप हमें नीचे comment करके पूछ सकते है और हम कोशिश[…..]

term insurance

QnA Thursday (Motor Insurance)

Welcome to the Episode: 21 of QnA Thursday. Today’s question is: Is it advisable to buy two term plans? If you’ve any other questions pertaining to insurance, feel free to comment on this post and we’ll try to answer your questions. Sign up for TurtlemintPro at https://bit.ly/2NcQFla and start selling insurance today! Follow us on[…..]

bike insurance renewal

How to easily renew lapsed two wheeler insurance policy online?

Two-wheeler insurance policies are mandated by the Government of India to ply your two-wheeler on the Indian roads. Although only Third-Party Insurance Plans are mandatory, it is better to opt for a comprehensive plan which covers the damages of your own bike as well.   However, many individuals forget renewing their two-wheeler insurance policies within[…..]