Earn money by selling insurance as a part-time job

Insurance as a career option for students

Education is an important phase of everyone’s life as it lays the groundwork for the individual’s career. That is why students don’t have a full-time job. However, students look for part-time jobs wherein they can earn money without compromising on their studies. Selling insurance is one such lucrative career choice for students as a part-time job. It has the following benefits –

Benefits of selling insurance for students

  • Students can earn an attractive income while working in their free time. There is unlimited earning potential as an insurance intermediary.
  • Moreover, students can establish their own business and become their own boss and can work as a part-time job without hampering their studies.
  • They can become financially independent and can pay for their own education.
  • They can also support their family financially as this is a part-time job opportunity.

For whom is insurance sales a good opportunity

If you have the following qualities can become a good insurance intermediary –

  • If you have the fire to become an entrepreneur, selling insurance the right choice
  • If you believe that you are a good salesperson, you can sell insurance
  • If you have good communication skills you can use them to sell insurance
  • If you are a go-getter, you can sell insurance and earn handsomely

So, selling insurance as a part-time job is quite a win-win for students as well.

How to sell insurance policies

Students can become a Point of Sale Person (PoSP) with Turtlemint and sell insurance policies online as per the PoSP guidelines as a part-time job.

Eligibility to become a Point of Sale Person (PoSP)

  • Students should be aged at least 18 years to apply for a Point of Sale Person (PoSP) license
  • They should have cleared at least Class 10 to have the necessary educational qualification to become a Point of Sale Person (PoSP)

If students qualify on the above-mentioned eligibility criteria, they can become a Point of Sale Person (PoSP). All they have to do is the following –

  • Register themselves on the TurtlemintPro website or app and provide their KYC documents
  • Once registered they have to take the training of 15 hours. The training has been simplified through video modules which explain the concept of insurance in simple terms
  • After training the student is required to take an exam which is prescribed by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI). The exam is taken online at any flexible timing
  • Once the exam is cleared students get a Point of Sale Person (PoSP) license. You can then sell insurance policies

The benefits of becoming a Point of Sale Person (PoSP)

  • As a Point of Sale Person (PoSP) students can sell different types of insurance policies which can be life insurance, health insurance, motor insurance, travel insurance, etc. as a part-time job
  • They can sell insurance policies of different companies on a single platform providing variety to their customers who can compare the plans before buying
  • The policies can be sold online using the TurtlemintPro app. Thus, it becomes convenient to sell the policies from home or any place else and can study as well as this is a part-time job opportunity.
  • The records of all the plans sold, the commissions earned, etc. can be maintained on the TurtlemintPro app. Thus, the whole insurance selling process is simplified
  • There are no fixed working hours while at the same time an opportunity to earn an attractive commission on the policies sold.

How can you begin selling insurance?

If you want to start your career in insurance sales, you have to approach your contacts. Every individual has a need for an insurance policy. You just need to show them the need.

  • You can sell bike /car insurance policies to your friends, relatives and family members who own a car or a bike
  • Health insurance policies are also very important. You can sell them to your friends and their relatives as well.
  • Life insurance policies can be sold to your family, friends and relatives.

Who said a student cannot earn? Even if you are a student you don’t have to depend on your parents for financing your education and lifestyle needs. You can become a Point of Sale Person (PoSP) and earn for yourself while studying as this is a part-time job.
Since there is no limit to the earning potential, there would not only be the pocket money which you would be making. You can even finance your higher education. Wouldn’t you want that?

So, students can become a Point of Sale Person (PoSP). They can start their career in insurance, earn money and become financially independent. The process is simple too and doesn’t require too much time.

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