Bajaj Future Gain can be the best ULIP plan-

Why Bajaj Future gain can be the best ULIP plan?

Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs) are quite popular among customers. They combine the benefit of insurance with investment and fulfil two needs in one. While your customers get to enjoy market-linked returns, they also enjoy insurance coverage during the tenure of their ULIP plan. That is why you find many takers for ULIPs when you […]

insurance agent

Things an insurance advisor can do to make a new client feel welcome

Congratulations! You have just made a sale! At this point, you’re probably thinking that your work is done now. But as an insurance agent, it is your job to build a good relationship with every new client. The best time to do this is right after the first sale, through some form of a Welcome[…..]

Video for your insurance business

How video adds value to your insurance business

As an insurance agent, it is safe to presume that you have profiles on all social media platforms. You most likely also have a website where people can reach you and an email for communications with your prospects and clients. With the advent of a digital-only era, it would be wise to make sure you[…..]