Being an insurance advisor is not as easy as you think. Very often, you have to get the set-up of your business right for things to fall in place and very often, in a haste to set up a business, many insurance advisors forget to give importance important things, such as building credibility.
Trust is such an important currency to have in the world of insurance. The truth is, this alone is what sets you apart from other insurance advisors. You are in the eyes of a prospect, an expert in the field of insurance, therefore you are who they need to rely on when it comes to making decisions on what insurance plans to go with. It is you, who needs to tell them the pros and cons of each plans so for people to believe in you they need to have trust in you and your expertise.
Simply put, trust is an incredibly important part of your insurance business. It is really hard to earn the trust of a new prospect but it can be lost very easily. A word of caution – once trust is lost, the likelihood of earning it back is not high!
So why is trust so important?
The reason is obvious – you have people who are going to spend their hard-earned money on something that you recommend to them. So, in order for them to do that, they need to have trust in you. And if you cannot show them that you are trustworthy, then consider it a done deal that they will be going to a competing insurance advisor.
These are a few things that can cause a prospect to lose their trust in you:
Get Your Feet Wet in the Ocean of Digital Communications –
Before a prospect decides to sign you as their insurance advisor, they will be looking you up online. Expect them to search for your company website and maybe even your social media pages. Having a basic website, even with simple information about how you operate, along with all your contact details well highlighted can go a long way in getting you more leads! More so, when your prospects see that you have an online presence, their trust in your authenticity would increase. Using professional photos of yourself helps even more – giving a face to your name (Pro Tip – Smile for the camera! A happy face is a trustworthy face).
Not having client testimonials on display –
Think about it, if you were to buy a holiday home in a new place, would you go through someone unheard of or would you ask friends and family for recommendations for a reliable real estate advisor? Obviously, you would choose the second option. References have proven to be the most effective way for advisors to grow their businesses and this is unlikely to change. However, when you know a client is particularly happy with your service, ask them to leave you a review by sending you an email or even discreetly requesting them to pass on the word to their friends and family. You’d be surprised at how many happy customers would be happy to do so – simply asking them is all they need to know you want them to do so! (don’t hesitate in asking a happy customer – if you don’t ask, you won’t ever know if they are willing to refer you at all. A “No” is still better than a possible “Yes” that is lost only because you didn’t ask!
Not being able to speak beyond the technical insurance terms –
You may have heard this point before but it is incredibly important. As an insurance advisor, you need to know what it is you are selling. So, know the insurance plans inside out, understand the differentiating factors, and really go above and beyond quoting figures that can already be read in a brochure. Connect the plan with the prospect. Paint a picture for why their lives will be better off or worse off without the insurance plan. Part of being a sales man is being able to make your prospects relate to what it is you are trying to say. So, think about that the next time you have a new prospect reaching out for more information.
Not showing your expertise through online channels – be it articles or videos –
If you consider yourself to be an expert in insurance, then think about writing blogs or creating videos about important topics you think would be of value to both, your prospects and clients. It could be a weekly video series or WhatsApp message of you talking about important things to know. When you keep putting out information, people will start listening to what it is you have to offer, and you will find even more prospects trusting you and lining up to talk to you.
These are a few basic points to think about when we talk about being trust worthy. Try them out and see the positive difference it makes to your business. As an insurance advisor, you have to be open to trying out different approaches to see what works for you, and over time you will find yourself coming up with new ideas that make you more approachable and improve your trust rankings
Read more about how to sell insurance on value instead of price
Read more about insurance advisor as a career
Read more about how to increase business leads
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"headline": "Why trust is an important currency to have when marketing your self as an insurance agent.",
"alternativeHeadline": "Being an insurance agent is not as easy as you think. Very often, you have to get the set-up of your business right for things to fall in place and very often, in a haste to set up a business, many insurance agents forget to give importance important things, such as building credibility."
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"editor": "Editorial Team, MintPro",
"genre": "Insurance Agent Sales",
"keywords": "selling insurance on trust",
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"datePublished": "2018-12-24",
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"description": "Being an insurance agent is not as easy as you think. Very often, you have to get the set-up of your business right for things to fall in place and very often, in a haste to set up a business, many insurance agents forget to give importance important things, such as building credibility.
Trust is such an important currency to have in the world of insurance. The truth is, this alone is what sets you apart from other insurance agents. You are in the eyes of a prospect, an expert in the field of insurance, therefore you are who they need to rely on when it comes to making decisions on what insurance plans to go with. It is you, who needs to tell them the pros and cons of each plans so for people to believe in you they need to have trust in you and your expertise.
Simply put, trust is an incredibly important part of your insurance business. It is really hard to earn the trust of a new prospect but it can be lost very easily. A word of caution – once trust is lost, the likelihood of earning it back is not high!
So why is trust so important?
The reason is obvious – you have people who are going to spend their hard-earned money on something that you recommend to them. So, in order for them to do that, they need to have trust in you. And if you cannot show them that you are trustworthy, then consider it a done deal that they will be going to a competing insurance agent.
These are a few things that can cause a prospect to lose their trust in you:
Get Your Feet Wet in the Ocean of Digital Communications –
Before a prospect decides to sign you as their insurance agent, they will be looking you up online. Expect them to search for your company website and maybe even your social media pages. Having a basic website, even with simple information about how you operate, along with all your contact details well highlighted can go a long way in getting you more leads! More so, when your prospects see that you have an online presence, their trust in your authenticity would increase. Using professional photos of yourself helps even more – giving a face to your name (Pro Tip – Smile for the camera! A happy face is a trustworthy face).
Not having client testimonials on display –
Think about it, if you were to buy a holiday home in a new place, would you go through someone unheard of or would you ask friends and family for recommendations for a reliable real estate agent? Obviously, you would choose the second option. References have proven to be the most effective way for agents to grow their businesses and this is unlikely to change. However, when you know a client is particularly happy with your service, ask them to leave you a review by sending you an email or even discreetly requesting them to pass on the word to their friends and family. You’d be surprised at how many happy customers would be happy to do so – simply asking them is all they need to know you want them to do so! (don’t hesitate in asking a happy customer – if you don’t ask, you won’t ever know if they are willing to refer you at all. A “No” is still better than a possible “Yes” that is lost only because you didn’t ask!
Not being able to speak beyond the technical insurance terms –
You may have heard this point before but it is incredibly important. As an insurance agent, you need to know what it is you are selling. So, know the insurance plans inside out, understand the differentiating factors, and really go above and beyond quoting figures that can already be read in a brochure. Connect the plan with the prospect. Paint a picture for why their lives will be better off or worse off without the insurance plan. Part of being a sales man is being able to make your prospects relate to what it is you are trying to say. So, think about that the next time you have a new prospect reaching out for more information.
Not showing your expertise through online channels – be it articles or videos –
If you consider yourself to be an expert in insurance, then think about writing blogs or creating videos about important topics you think would be of value to both, your prospects and clients. It could be a weekly video series or WhatsApp message of you talking about important things to know. When you keep putting out information, people will start listening to what it is you have to offer, and you will find even more prospects trusting you and lining up to talk to you.
These are a few basic points to think about when we talk about being trust worthy. Try them out and see the positive difference it makes to your business. As an insurance agent, you have to be open to trying out different approaches to see what works for you, and over time you will find yourself coming up with new ideas that make you more approachable and improve your trust rankings
Read more about how to sell insurance on value instead of price
Read more about insurance agent as a career
Read more about how to increase business leads",
"author": {
"@type": "Organisation",
"name": “Sidharth Hampanavar"